
You can specify dependencies between module deployments in the package definition file using the attribute Dependencies and VariablesFromOutputs.

In the example below, fo each account, module2 is deployed in all regions after module1 has been deployed in the region us-east-1 in the same account.

      - Dependencies:
          - Module: module1
            AccountId: "${CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID}"
            Region: us-east-1

For your information, AWS Orga Deployer uses internally the package networkx to build a DAG (directed acyclic graph). The nodes are the module deployments, and the edges are the dependencies.

Here are the error messages that you may obtain because of dependencies:

[ToModule,ToAccountId,ToRegion] depends on [FromModule,FromAccountId,FromRegion] which does not exist

The deployment of the module ToModule in the account ToAccountId and region ToRegion is dependent on the deployment of FromModule in the account FromAccountId and region FromRegion. However, the latter deployment does not exist in the package definition file. You can ignore this type of error by using the attribute IgnoreIfNotExists in the package definition file.

The package contains circular dependencies

Your package definition file has dependencies that are impossible to resolve.

[ToModule,ToAccountId,ToRegion] must be created after [FromModule,FromAccountId,FromRegion] which will be deleted during this run

The deployment of the module ToModule in the account ToAccountId and region ToRegion is depend on the deployment of FromModule in the account FromAccountId and region FromRegion. You are trying to deploy the module ToModule in the account ToAccountId and region ToRegion before deplying the module FromModule in the account FromAccountId and region FromRegion.

[ToModule,ToAccountId,ToRegion] must be created after [FromModule,FromAccountId,FromRegion] which has not yet been created and will not be created during this run

The deployment of the module ToModule in the account ToAccountId and region ToRegion is depend on the deployment of FromModule in the account FromAccountId and region FromRegion. You are trying to deploy the module ToModule in the account ToAccountId and region ToRegion but the deployment of the module FromModule in the account FromAccountId and region FromRegion will also be deleted. Therefore, the dependency will not be met anymore.

[FromModule,FromAccountId,FromRegion] must be deleted after [ToModule,ToAccountId,ToRegion] which has not yet been deleted and will not be deleted during this run

The deployment of the module ToModule in the account ToAccountId and region ToRegion is depend on the deployment of FromModule in the account FromAccountId and region FromRegion. You are trying to delete the deployment of the module FromModule in the account FromAccountId and region FromRegion but the deployment of the module ToModule in the account ToAccountId and region ToRegion will will still exist. Therefore, the dependency will not be met anymore.

Unable to preview changes as this deployment is dependent on other deployments with pending changes

When executing the command preview, the deployments that depend on other deployments cannot be evaluated if these dependencies have pending changes. For example, if a resource changes in the dependencies, this might impact the dependent deployment but we are unable to evaluate it. Therefore, these dependent deployments fail. A workaround consist of applying pending changes to the dependencies, then previewing changes for the dependent deployments.