
A Terraform module consists of Terraform templates. The deployment of a Terraform module consists of creating, updating or deleting resources by applying the template.

How to develop a Terraform module?

  • You need at least one TF file in the module directory (<packageRootDir>/terraform/<moduleName>).
  • The module deployment variables are passed as Terraform variables.
    • The name of the variables must be the same than the variable key in the package definition file.
    • These variables must be declared in one of the TF files. You can use a dedicated file variables.tf for this.
  • The module deployment outputs are automatically populated from the Terraform outputs.

The AWS provider and the state backend must not be declared in these files.

The state backend is automatically configured by AWS Orga Deployer to store the Terraform state in the S3 bucket at terraform/<ModuleName>/<AccountId>/<Region>/terraform.tfstate. You must not change the state backend configuration.

The AWS provider is automatically declared by AWS Orga Deployer. However, if you want to change certain attributes (e.g. fix the provider version or define default tags), you can create a file override.tf in the module directory that contains the attributes to override. Example:

provider "aws" {
  version = "4.5.0"
  default_tags {
    tags = {
      TagKey = "TagValue"


In this example, there are two modules: module1 is a Terraform module that creates a SSM parameter and return its ARN. module2 is another module (the module files are not shown below) that refers to the outputs of module1.

File structure:


Section of package.yaml that describes the module deployments:

            parameter_value: my_value
                Module: module1
                AccountId: "${CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID}"
                Region: "${CURRENT_REGION}"
                OutputName: "parameter_arn"

Content of ssm-parameter.tf:

resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "test" {
  name  = "test"
  type  = "String"
  value = var.parameter_value

output "parameter_arn" {
  value = aws_ssm_parameter.test.arn

Content of variables.tf:

variable "parameter_value" {
  type = string

How does it work?

AWS Orga Deployer:

  • Copies the content of the module directory (the TF files) to the deployment cache directory, unless the action is destroy (no resources expected).
  • Creates two additional files in the deployment cache directory:
    • terraform.tfvars.json: List of input variables and their value.
    • aws_orga_deployer.tf: Defines the AWS provider and the backend to stores the state in the S3 bucket. If a role must be assumed, a section assume_role is added to the provider.
  • Runs terraform init in a subprocess. The plugins are downloaded in the engine cache directory.
  • Runs terraform plan -out=tfplan in a subprocess to evaluate the changes to be made.
  • Runs terraform show -json tfplan to display the plan in a readable format.
  • If the command is apply:
    • Runs terraform apply tfplan in a subprocess
    • If the action is not destroy: Runs terraform output -json in a subprocess to read the outputs.
  • Saves the result.