
A CloudFormation module consists of a CloudFormation template. The deployment of a CloudFormation module consists of creating, updating or deleting a CloudFormation stack from this template.

How to develop a CloudFormation module?

  • You need at least one file YAML or JSON template file in the module directory (<packageRootDir>/cloudformation/<moduleName>).
  • You need to specify the name of the file and the name of stack in the module configuration. See Package definition file
  • The module deployment variables are passed as input parameters to the stack. These input parameters must exist in the template.
  • The module deployment outputs are automatically populated from the stack outputs.


In this example, there are two modules: module1 is a CloudFormation module that creates a SSM parameter and return its ID. module2 is another module (the module files are not shown below) that refers to the outputs of module1.

File structure:


Section of package.yaml that describes the module deployments:

            SSMParameterValue: my_value
                Module: module1
                AccountId: "${CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID}"
                Region: "${CURRENT_REGION}"
                OutputName: "SSMParameterID"

Content of template.yaml:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
    Type: String
    Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter
      Type: String
      Value: !Ref SSMParameterValue
    Description: SSM Parameter ID
    Value: !Ref SSMParameter

How does it work?

  • AWS Orga Deployer writes deployment inputs (CLI command, deployment action, etc.) into a file named input.json stored in the deployment cache directory.
  • AWS Orga Deployer executes a Python script - a wrapper - in a subprocess that:
    • Reads the inputs from the file input.json. This file allows the main process and the subprocess to communicate.
    • If the action is create or update:
      • Create a change set to evaluate the changes to be made (similar to terraform plan in Terraform).
      • If the command is apply: Applies the changes
      • If the command is preview: Deletes the change set
    • If the action is delete:
      • Retrieves the list of existing resources that must be deleted
      • If the command is apply: Deletes the stack unless it does not exist.
    • Write the outputs of the function main to a file output.json in the deployment cache directory.
  • The main process reads the content of the file output.json and saves the result.

If an IAM role is specified in AssumeRole for the module configuration, AWS Orga Deployer assumes that role and set the temporary credentials as environment variables of the subprocess. If no role is to be assumed, the subprocess uses the same AWS credentials than the main process.