Package state

The package state is the file state.json stored in the S3 bucket. It is created and updated by AWS Orga Deployer, and you should not edit it manually. However, this page describes its format for reference.

    "Deployments": [
            "Deployment": {
                "Module": "string",
                "AccountId": "string",
                "Region": "string"
            "CurrentState": {
                "Variables": {
                    "<VarKey>": "<VarValue>"
                "VariablesFromOutputs": {
                    "<VarKey>": {
                        "Module": "string",
                        "AccountId": "string",
                        "Region": "string",
                        "OutputName": "string"
                "Dependencies": [
                        "Module": "string",
                        "AccountId": "string",
                        "Region": "string"
                "ModuleHash": "string",
                "Outputs": {
                    "<OutputKey>": "<OutputValue>"
                "LastChangedTime": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm"
  • Deployments [REQUIRED]: List of existing module deployments. For each deployment:
    • Deployment [REQUIRED]:
      • Module [REQUIRED]: Name of the module deployed.
      • AccountId [REQUIRED]: AWS account ID in which the module is deployed.
      • Region [REQUIRED]: Region in which the module is deployed.
    • CurrentState [REQUIRED]:
      • Variables [REQUIRED]: Dictionary containing the variables passed to the module and their value, including the values derived from the outputs of other deployments. Can be an empty dictionary.
      • VariablesFromOutputs [REQUIRED]: Dictionary containing the variables valued from the outputs of other deployments. Can be an empty dictionary.
      • Dependencies [REQUIRED]: List of dependencies. Can be an empty list.
      • ModuleHash [REQUIRED]: Value of the module hash at the time the module was deployed.
      • Outputs [REQUIRED]: Dictionary containing the module outputs and their value. Can be an empty dictionary.
      • LastChangedTime [REQUIRED]: Last time this module was created or updated.