Package definition file


  S3Bucket: string
  S3Region: string
  S3Prefix: string
  OrgaCacheExpiration: integer
  ConcurrentWorkers: integer
  AssumeOrgaRoleArn: null or string
  OverrideAccountNameByTag: string

    <ConfigKey>: <ConfigValue>
    <ConfigKey>: <ConfigValue>
    <ConfigKey>: <ConfigValue>
    <ConfigKey>: <ConfigValue>

    <VarKey>: <VarValue>
    <VarKey>: <VarValue>
    <VarKey>: <VarValue>
    <VarKey>: <VarValue>

      <ConfigKey>: <ConfigValue>
      <VarKey>: <VarValue>
        Module: string
        AccountId: string
        Region: string
        OutputName: output
        IgnoreIfNotExists: boolean
      - Include:
            - string
            - string
            - string (TAG_KEY=TAG_VALUE)
            - string
            - string (TAG_KEY=TAG_VALUE)
            - string
            - string
            - string
            - string (TAG_KEY=TAG_VALUE)
            - string
            - string (TAG_KEY=TAG_VALUE)
            - string
          - Module: string
            AccountId: string
            Region: string
            IgnoreIfNotExists: boolean
          <VarKey>: <VarValue>
            Module: string
            AccountId: string
            Region: string
            OutputName: output
            IgnoreIfNotExists: boolean
  • PackageConfiguration [REQUIRED]:
    • S3Bucket [REQUIRED]: Name of the S3 bucket used to store package persistent data (cached information about AWS accounts and organizational units, package state, Terraform states, etc.).
    • S3Region [REQUIRED]: AWS region where this S3 bucket resides (e.g. eu-west-1).
    • S3Prefix: Key prefix used when writing objects in the bucket. It must end with a /. If no value is provided, objects are written at the root of the S3 bucket.
    • OrgaCacheExpiration: AWS Orga Deployer stores information about AWS accounts and organizational units obtained from AWS Organizations in the S3 bucket at s3://<S3Bucket>/<S3Prefix>/orga.json. AWS Orga Deployer reuses the cache in S3 instead of querying AWS Organizations if the cache was generated less than OrgaCacheExpiration seconds ago. The default value is 300 (5 minutes).
    • ConcurrentWorkers: Number of concurrent threads that AWS Orga Deployer uses to create, update or destroy module deployments. The default value is 10.
    • AssumeOrgaRoleArn: ARN of the IAM role that AWS Orga Deployer must assume before querying AWS Organizations. By default, AWS Orga Deployer doesn’t assume an IAM role and uses the current credentials instead.
    • OverrideAccountNameByTag: To replace account names fetched from AWS Organizations by the value of a specific tag assigned to AWS accounts, provide the key of that tag. If that tag is not assigned to an AWS account, the account name remains unchanged.
  • DefaultModuleConfiguration: See Module configuration.
  • DefaultVariables: See Module variables
  • Modules [REQUIRED]: List of modules to deploy. For each module:
    • <moduleName> [REQUIRED]: Name of the module, defined by the name of the folder that contains module files. For example, the files of the Python module python1 must be located in the folder python/python1.
      • Configuration: See Module configuration.
      • Variables: See Module variables.
      • VariablesFromOutputs: List of variables that are valued by the outputs of other deployments.
        • <VarKey>: Name of the variable.
          • Module [REQUIRED]: Name of the module for the dependent deployment.
          • AccountId [REQUIRED]: AWS account ID for the dependent deployment.
          • Region [REQUIRED]: Region for the dependent deployment.
          • OutputName [REQUIRED]: Name of the output in the dependent deployment.
          • IgnoreIfNotExists: Set to True to ignore the dependency if the referenced deployment does not exist. By default, the value is False and AWS Orga Deployer raises an error if the dependency does not exist (see Dependencies).
      • Deployments [REQUIRED]: List of deployment blocks for this module. Each deployment block specifies a scope of AWS accounts and regions where the module must be deployed with a specific configuration:
        • Include: AWS accounts and regions included in the scope of deployments. If Include is not specified, the module is deployed in all enabled regions of all AWS accounts in the organization, except the scope eventually specified by Exclude.
          • AccountIds: List of AWS accounts IDs to include.
          • AccountNames: List of account names to include (case sensitive). You can use the wildcard character * (e.g. *-prod).
          • AccountTags: List of TAG_KEY=TAG_VALUE (case sensitive). Only the AWS accounts with these tags assigned are included.
          • OUIds: List of organizational unit IDs. Only the AWS accounts that are directly or indirectly in one of these OUs are included.
          • OUTags: List of TAG_KEY=TAG_VALUE (case sensitive). Only the AWS accounts that are directly or indirectly in one of the OUs with these tags assigned are included.
          • Regions: List of regions to include. By default, all enabled regions are included.
        • Exclude: AWS accounts and regions excluded from the scope of deployments. If Exclude is not specified, no deployments are excluded and the module is deployed in the accounts and regions specified by Include.
          • AccountIds: List of AWS accounts IDs to include.
          • AccountNames: List of account names to include (case sensitive). You can use the wildcard character * (e.g. *-prod).
          • AccountTags: List of TAG_KEY=TAG_VALUE (case sensitive). Only the AWS accounts with these tags assigned are included.
          • OUIds: List of organizational unit IDs. Only the AWS accounts that are directly or indirectly in one of these OUs are included.
          • OUTags: List of TAG_KEY=TAG_VALUE (case sensitive). Only the AWS accounts that are directly or indirectly in one of the OUs with these tags assigned are included.
          • Regions: List of regions to exclude.
        • Variables: See Module variables.
        • Dependencies: List of deployments that must be created before these deployments, and deleted after these deployments.
          • Module [REQUIRED]: Name of the module for the dependent deployment.
          • AccountId [REQUIRED]: AWS account ID for the dependent deployment.
          • Region [REQUIRED]: Region for the dependent deployment.
          • IgnoreIfNotExists: Set to True to ignore the dependency if the referenced deployment does not exist. By default, the value is False and AWS Orga Deployer raises an error if the dependency does not exist (see Dependencies).
        • VariablesFromOutputs: Same as above but apply to the deployment block only.

Note 1

You can use the expressions ${CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID} and ${CURRENT_REGION} in the value of any variables, dependencies or module configuration attribute. The expressions are replaced respectively by the AWS account ID and the region of the current deployment.

In the example below, ${CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID} is replaced by the ID of the AWS account in which the module is being deployed (123456789012 or 123456789013).

      AssumeRole: "arn:aws:iam::${CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/RoleName"
      - Include:
            - "123456789012"
            - "123456789013"

Note 2

For a given module, if the same deployment is defined in multiple deployment blocks, the last declaration prevails. In the example below, the last declaration prevails for the AWS account ID 123456789012 and the variable is equal to value2.

      myVar: value0
      - Include:
            - "123456789012"
            - "123456789013"
          myVar: "value1"
      - Include:
            - "123456789012"
          myVar: "value2"

Note 3

You can use YAML aliases to avoid repeating yourself. The example below shows how to declare a list of AWS account IDs as an alias and how to use this alias.

myalias: &myalias
  - "123456789012"
  - "123456789013"
  - "123456789014"

      - Include:
          AccountIds: *myalias
      - Include:
          AccountIds: *myalias

Module configuration

Modules require or support configuration settings that depend on the engine. The configuration settings can be defined at different levels:

  • root["defaultConfiguration"]["All"]: Apply to all module deployments for all engines.
  • root["defaultConfiguration"]["<engineName>"]: Apply to all module deployments for a given engine. Override the attributes defined above.
  • root["Modules"]["<moduleName>"]["Configuration"]: Apply to all deployments for a given module. Override the attributes defined above.

Attributes common to all modules

  AssumeRole: null or string
    MaxAttempts: integer
    DelayBeforeRetrying: integer
    <serviceName>: endpoint
  • AssumeRole: ARN of the IAM role to assume before creating resources for this deployment. By default, or if equal to null, AWS Orga Deployer doesn’t assume an IAM role and use the current credentials instead.
  • Retry:
    • MaxAttempts: Maximum number of times AWS Orga Deployer attempts to create, update or destroy the deployment. The default is 1 (no retries).
    • DelayBeforeRetrying: Number of seconds AWS Orga Deployer waits before retrying. This can be useful notably when you need to wait because of eventual consistency.
  • EndpointUrls: Specify this attribute to use custom AWS endpoints. You must add one line per service. This is notably notably needed for testing with Moto.
    • <serviceName>: Service name (e.g. iam, s3, sts, etc.).
    • endpoint: Endpoint URL.

Attributes specific to Terraform modules

  TerraformExecutable: string
  • TerraformExecutable: Path to the Terraform executable. The default is terraform.

Attributes specific to CloudFormation modules

  StackName: string
  TemplateFilename: string
  PythonExecutable: string
    <Key>: <Value>
  • StackName [REQUIRED]: Name of the CloudFormation stack to create.
  • TemplateFilename [REQUIRED]: Name of the template in the module files (e.g. template.yaml).
  • PythonExecutable: Path to the Python executable to use to launch the Python script that makes calls to CloudFormation. The default is python3.
  • AdditionalBoto3Parameters: Dictionary with additional parameters to pass to the CreateChangeSet boto3 method. For example, you can provide a value for Tags to tag all the resources created by CloudFormation.

Attributes specific to Python modules

  PythonExecutable: string
  • PythonExecutable: Path to the Python executable to use. The default is python3.

Module variables

The variables passed to modules can be defined at different levels:

  • root["DefaultVariables"]["All"]: Apply to all module deployments for all engines.
  • root["DefaultVariables"]["<engineName>"]: Apply to all module deployments for a given engine. Override the variables defined above.
  • root["Modules"]["<moduleName>"]["Variables"]: Apply to all deployments for a given module. Override the variables defined above.
  • root["Modules"]["<moduleName>"]["Deployments"][N]["Variables"]: Apply to the deployments of a given deployment block. Override the variables defined above.

The variables valued by the outputs of other deployments can be defined at two levels:

  • root["Modules"]["<moduleName>"]["VariablesFromOutputs"]: Apply to all deployments for a given module. Override the variables defined above.
  • root["Modules"]["<moduleName>"]["Deployments"][N]["VariablesFromOutputs"]: Apply to the deployments of a given deployment block. Override the variables defined above.


  • If the same variable is declared in both Variables and VariablesFromOutputs, the value of VariablesFromOutputs prevails.
  • For CloudFormation modules, list values are transformed as strings with commas as separator. All other variable values are passed as-is.


  S3Bucket: my-bucket
  S3Region: eu-west-1
  S3Prefix: package1/
  AssumeOrgaRoleArn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/OrganizationsReadOnly"
  OverrideAccountNameByTag: AccountFriendlyName

    AssumeRole: "arn:aws:iam::${CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/LandingZoneDeploymentRole"

        MaxAttempts: 2
        DelayBeforeRetrying: 60
      - Include:
          AccountNames: ["*-prod"]
          OUIds: ["ou-12345"]
          Regions: ["us-east-1"]
          variable1: "value1"
    StackName: "SecurityLandingZone"
        MaxAttempts: 2
        DelayBeforeRetrying: 60
      - Include:
          AccountNames: ["*-prod"]
          OUIds: ["ou-12345"]
          AccountNames: ["excluded-prod"]
            Module: python1
            AccountId: "${CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID}"
            Region: us-east-1
            OutputName: "iamRoleArn"

The package persistent data is stored in the S3 bucket my-bucket in the region eu-west-1 with the prefix package1. AWS Orga Deployer assumes the role arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/OrganizationsReadOnly to query AWS Organizations. If an AWS account has the tag AccountFriendlyName assigned in AWS Organizations, the tag value overrides the account name.

The package deploys two modules:

  • python1:
    • Deployed in all AWS accounts in the organizational unit ou-12345 and whose name ends with -prod, only in the region us-east-1.
    • The variable variable1 has a static value value1.
    • If a deployment fails, AWS Orga Deployer waits for 60 seconds and retries a second time.
  • cloudformation1:
    • Deployed in all AWS accounts in the organizational unit ou-12345 and whose name ends with -prod except the account excluded-prod, in all enabled regions of each account.
    • The variable variable2 is valued by the output iamRoleArn of the deployment of python1 in the same account in us-east-1.
    • The CloudFormation stack that AWS Orga Deployer creates is named SecurityLandingZone.